Would you like to know more about Tony?

Picture of Tony taken in August, '99.

If so read on....

I have a genetic, neuro-degenerative disorder called Friedreich’s Ataxia, FA. FA is one of the many diseases covered by the Muscular Dystrophy Association and is commonly misdiagnosed by medical proffessionals as Multiple Sclerosis.

Click on microscope, above, for helpful information, web sites and various organizations regarding the many different types of hereditary ataxias.

"It's all in your perception, That's the way you look at it. You can choose the clean end of the stick Or, get the end covered with s**t!" Anthony W. Gussler, III

Everyone knows the last word in the verse above is "snot"; right?
Come on, not all poetry has to rhyme.

I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!"
~Tom Lehrer~

"Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond to it."
~Charles R. Swindoll~

I do not fully agree with everything Charles writes but, feel he has many noteworthy concepts.

I've been lucky to have a majority of my poetry published in various poetry journals, magazines and anthologies. I have retained all of my copyrights but, please feel free to copy any of my poems for your personal, non-profit use.
All I ask is that you also copy my name and place with copyright.

Click gears on right to veiw my poetry! Click here to see my poetry.

I enjoy tracking the National Football League, NFL, and the
Oakland Raiders
are my favorite team.
The Raiders have been my favorite NFL team for 23 years straight now and I do not respect an aged fair-weather fan.

My sport teams have been very good to me at SportsInteraction.com!

I firmly believe the concept of Emotional Intelligence.Book
This book and many other great titles can be purchased by clicking on the graphic below.
Please visit, and click above.

Play games at Yahoo.com
For a list of Yahoo internet games access click on chess set above.
My screen name at Yahoo games is currently (sir_tone_ly3). I can be found playing chess matches mostly in any lounge when playing.
Hope to see you there!
I enjoy a friendly game of chess there when I find time to play.

Below Is a link to a list of some of my favorite tunes.(in Midi format)
Click to go to Tunes page!
Click the speaker above to view my collection.
Hopefully, you can click on individual song titles to hear them.

Here is a page I have dedicated to all of those litte companions who help us keep warmth in our hearts.

Click here to join me in a race to save our rainforests.
Click HERE to go to the Pet Room.

Click me and I will take you to Tony's Pet Page!

Whether your pets have fur, scales, or feathers I hope you can find something here for them.

I have included a link to my geographical guestbook, click on Guest Map graphic above, at the bottom of every page on my site. If you would, please take time to sign it before you leave.

Home | Kid's Room | About Me | What's Ataxia? | My Personal Poetry | Web Design | Pet's Page | Pet's Photo Album